Configure USAM Skill Search OR

Enhance your search in the USAM by configuring Complex Search Query. This filter facet will allow you to use AND/O operator functionality.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Custom metadata types > Search & Match UI Configuration Custom Metadata Type > Manage Records> Skills Configuration.
  2. Click the Enable Complex Search Query checkbox.
  3. Click Save.


Search distinguishes 4 condition types:

  • Must-have (default)
  • Nice-to-have
  • Should-have
  • Must-not-have

Conditions can be used on any expression, but not with OR-groups or within Object-group expressions.

TKClosed An abbreviation for Textkernel doesn't support applying condition type to the OR-group query.

Additional Configurations

Different Facets

To configure Complex Search Query as a different facet, adjust the Search And Match Layout in Search and Match UI Configuration by adding the following code:

"title":"Complex Skill Search",
"label":"Complex Skill Search",
"layoutIcon":"fa fa-certificate fa-fw",



If you need to translate the field Complex Search Query field and Help text, add translation to the SAMClosed An abbreviation used in BH4SF for one of the Search and Match versions_Complex_Search_Label and SAM_Complex_Search_Help_Text custom labels.

Validation Error

Validation error text can be changed in Label. c.SAM_Complex_Search_Valitation_Notification custom label.

The will be applied if different skill groups are configured as different facets.

Title and Label

The title and label are customizable.