CSV Import


You are able to import multiple people records into your database utilizing our CSV import tool. People records in the CSV file will be deduplicated automatically (using their Email address as a unique identifier) as part of the import process. This article outlines how to use the import tool. Please note that you must use the CSV template file, which can be downloaded from the Web App.

Permission Required: Please note that all actions in this article require the user to have the Bulk Import via CSV Permission.

You may use the import function for importing contacts as well, for more details, see the Import CSV file section.

This article covers:


For a successful import, ensure the following:

  • You're using the latest CSV template (downloaded from the Web App).
  • The template file is saved in .csv UTF-8 (Comma delimited) format, not Excel .xls
  • The CSV Import requires your to use a comma as the delimiting character. If, on opening our template, all of the columns load as comma separated entries in field A1, you can use one of two options:
    • Use the "Text to Columns" option in the Data tab in Excel to convert the comma delimited data back to columns in the Excel file.
    • Change your the "Additional Settings" on your PC in "region and language" settings to ensure that you are using a comma as the "List Separator".
  • If using Excel to create/modify the CSV File, before entering any data, please highlight all cells, right click, select "Format Cells" and select "Text" and click OK. This will ensure Excel does not try to format your data incorrectly.
  • Dates are entered in the format YYYY/MM/DD e.g. 2018/01/31.
  • For check box fields such as "Client" or "Candidate", use a value of TRUE or FALSE.
  • If importing records with Tel numbers, the numbers look correct in your spreadsheet.
    • Numbers haven't been altered in the spreadsheet by Excel to contain letters and characters due to hidden formatting which wasn't visible originally, that the visible numbers are complete and contain leading zeros where the number doesn't contain a international dialing code.
  • No more than 2000 rows.
  • The CSV contains candidate / client records – not companies alone.
  • If existing categories are being used, they are typed exactly as they appear in your database.
  • If multiple categories entries are present for a person, you separate them using semi colons (;).
  • No extra spaces are present in the header row of the template.
  • No columns (apart from the category columns) are renamed or duplicated.
  • Category groups are present as the last columns in the spreadsheet and have the correct naming convention (Category_Name). For example, if you have a Category called "Industry", this should be called "Category_Industry" in your CSV file.

Download CSV template

To use the CSV Import, you have to use the CSV template file, which you can download from Invenias using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Invenias Web App (https://<companyname>.invenias.com)
  2. Click the Add button
  3. Click on the Download CSV template link from the Bulk Import section

Import CSV file

After downloading the CSV template, fill this in as appropriate as per the guidelines above, entering date into any of the fields available, as specified below.

When your CSV file is ready:


  1. Open your Invenias Web App (https://<companyname>.invenias.com)
  2. Click the Add button
  3. Either drag and drop the CSV file from your computer or click the Upload .CSV File button into the Bulk Import section
  4. Whilst the file is uploading, you will see a progress bar
  5. Once uploaded, the file will be analysed and validated for any errors. If any errors are detected, a list of the issues will be presented. Please refer to Validation Errors below for more details.
  6. Once the validation is complete, a summary will be displayed, informing you of how many people and unique companies were detected.
  7. Click the Continue button to go to the Validate Companies step. Please refer to Matching to Company Records below for more details.
  8. Clicking Save and Finish will take you to a summary of the records which are being created based on both your original CSV file and the company matching. Please note, this process may take several minutes depending on the number of records your are importing.
Note: Since only a minimal amount of data is needed for the import (i.e. Name and Email Address), it is possible to use the import to bulk upload contacts as well.

Validation Errors

Once your CSV file has uploaded, it is analysed to check for any errors. If there are errors, you will see a list of all known errors, for example:

  • Incorrect date format
  • Incorrect value for field
  • Entering a value that doesn't match items in your database

If you see this list of validation errors, you can download a 'cell error log' by clicking the Download Cell Error Log link, which will download a copy of the CSV file you uploaded but it will modified to prefix each cell with two asterisk characters where there is an error. You can then search for ** within your CSV file to view these errors and correct them.

Matching to Company Records

The Company field in the validation screen has additional logic to prevent the creation of duplicate company records. When data is entered into this field, it will indicate if:

  • The company already exists in your database (exact match).
  • The company may exist in your database (suggested matches).
  • The company does not exist in your database (no matches).

Exact match

If the text entered in the company field exactly matches the text in the name of a single company record in your database, this is referred to as an exact match and the validation screen will present this with a green symbol.


Suggested matches

If the text entered in the company field closely matches the text in the name of one or multiple company records in your database, this is referred to as a suggested match and the validation screen will present this with a green symbol.


You will be presented with options before you can proceed and save this new record to your database.

The Resolve option will take you to a new screen showing you a list of all company records believed to be a 'suggested match'. If one of the suggestions is the company you are looking for, you can select it from the list and press the Confirm button.

The Create New option enables you to create a new company record in your database and its name will use the exact text entered in the Company field.

No match

If no records can be found in your database based on the text entered in the Company field,the validation screen will present this with a red symbol. You can choose to either select Create New to create a new company with this name or you can click into the field and modify the text to search your database for the correct company.


Fields included in the CSV Import

  • Title
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Suffix
  • Nick Name
  • Company
  • Job Title
  • Position Start Date
  • Position End Date
  • Business Street
  • Business City
  • Business State
  • Business Postcode
  • Business Country
  • Home Street
  • Home City
  • Home State
  • Home Postcode
  • Home Country
  • Business Tel
  • Direct Line
  • Home Phone
  • Home Phone 2
  • Mobile
  • Mobile 2
  • Email
  • Email 2
  • Email 3
  • Skype
  • Messenger
  • Website
  • LinkedIn
  • XING
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Client
  • Candidate
  • Permanent
  • Interim
  • Non-Exec
  • Supplier
  • Partner
  • Headline Summary
  • Internal Comments
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Nationality
  • NI Number
  • Payroll No
  • Passport
  • Relocate
  • Travel
  • Availability Date
  • Category_Category Name (there could be an infinite number of these columns)