Saved Searches


This feature allows an Invenias user to Save their Advanced search results along with the search criteria that generated those results. A User can then further annotate the results by adding a flag (Red/ Amber/ Green) and notes to the records returned from the search.

This is especially useful if a search produces a long list of records which require further investigation. For instance, if a search for people produces a list of 500 potential Candidates for an Assignment, a user can review the records and add a flag of Green if they warrant being added to the Assignment as a Candidate, along with a qualifying reason using the notes field. Saving a search result means a user can continue research from one day to the next and also invite other users to share in the research process. 

This Article Covers:

Saving a Search Result

Adding Flag and Notes to a Search Result

Changing the Search Criteria on an Existing Saved Search Result

How to Open a Saved Search Result

Viewing Saved Search Results Within a Record

How to Configure Saved Searches

Saving a Search Result

In this example we will use a Personsearch, the process will be the same for search for all other record types.

Open an Advanced Search for People and add some search terms e.g. Search for "John" to create a list of results:

Click SAVE AS in the bottom right of this window to reveal the window shown below:


You can add a result name of your choice and optionally link this result to the record types which have been enabled in System preferences. Click SAVE when you are done.

The window will be renamed to display the name of the saved Search Result and state the last time it was saved:

The SAVE button has been replaced with a MODIFY button which allows a user to change the record links to a saved search result. 

Adding Flag and Notes to a Search Result

Once a search result has been saved, you will notice that 2 new columns FLAG and NOTES will automatically be added into the view:

You can add a RED/AMBER/GREEN flag against a record and also add text notes into the notes field. All changes will be autosaved to this search result.

Changing the Search criteria on an existing Saved Search Result

If you wanted to change the search criteria on an existing saved search result, or search again using the same criteria, you will create a new search results list. Invenias will prompt the user whether they want to update the existing saved search result, or create a new search result leaving the previous result unaffected:

Updating an existing search will replace the results in the saved search result. If any records in the original result are returned in the new result they will keep any flag and notes which were added to them in the previous search.

Changing the Search criteria on an existing Saved Search Result

If you wanted to change the search criteria on an existing saved search result or search again using the same criteria, you will create a new search results list. Invenias will prompt the user whether they want to update the existing saved search result, or create a new search result leaving the previous result unaffected:

Updating an existing search will replace the results in the saved search result. If any records in the original result are returned in the new result they will keep any flag and notes which were added to them in the previous search.

Saved Searches

How to Open a Saved Search Result

You can open a saved search result from the menu short cuts for each record type in the Outlook toolbar:


Also from a global list of Saved Search Results, accessed from the Invenias Tab in Outlook:

Finally from the SEARCH RESULTS tab within a Record:

Viewing Saved Search Results Within a Record

Viewing Saved Search results within a record is only available from version 9 of Invenias Professional.

When you save a set of search results to a record you have the ability to view and work with the search results within the Saved Searches tab on the record. To view the search results, locate the saved search within the record, right click, and then press View Search Results. The screen will then split to show the results on the right, and the saved search list on the right. You're then able to use the same functions as when in the search screen by flagging records, adding notes and other right click actions.

How to Configure Saved Searches

Saved Searches can be enabled and configured through the search page within system preferences. To open system preferences, click to the Invenias Tab in Outlook, click options then System Preferences:


In the screenshot below the user has opened system preferences, clicked to the search page, then to Saved Searches:

To enable Search Searches, check the first box.

The options underneath control whether a user can save a search result to a particular record type. If the option is checked, a new tab will appear in the chosen record type to view Saved Search Results. 

If you do not enable saving to records you can still access saved searches from the Saved Results button on the Invenias ribbon.