ATS v2: Admin: Separate Interview, Interviewee Templates Setup

To set up the ability to use Separate InterviewClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. Interviewee Templates, the following must be completed:

  1. Update the Page Layout AssignmentsClosed Object. Its records store details about a Job position to be filled on the Email Page Type object so that the following are true:
    • All profiles have the Interview Email Page Type Layout layout assigned to the Interview record type.
    • All profiles have the Email Page Type Layout assigned to the Basic record type
  2. Make sure that records for the next default BH4SF OOTB Email Page Types are present
  3. Make sure that all of your Email Page Type records have specific record type.
  4. Specify the default template/folder for InterviewerClosed Usually the client/hiring manager taking part in a Job interview. A recruiter can also be an Interviewer/Interviewee of interview.
  5. If your template is not loading, there could be an error.