ATS v2: Why You Want Interview Attendee Tracking

PlacementsClosed The stage that occurs after a candidate accepts a job offer and facilitates their information being copied to the back office. give you paychecks, so of course, you want as many as possible. When you get too many CandidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. in your system, it can be challenging to keep up with interview specifics and their participants, even though they are essential to getting a JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. filled. This confusion can slow down the whole PlacementClosed The stage that occurs after a candidate accepts a job offer and facilitates their information being copied to the back office. process. Even worse, this confusion can damage your relationship with your ClientClosed A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. if you need quick-to-find, accurate information but don't have it. Cue InterviewClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. Attendee tracking.

Bullhorn for Salesforce Interview Attendee tracking helps recruiters capture the details of interviews, so they have crucial information at hand when it matters.

To capture this, we create the following:

To learn more about Send Out Records, see the ATS v2: Application V2 Data Model.

Save Time

Ease of Reporting

Keep all interviews on your radar by tracking and reporting on Contacts (i.e., Interviewees) and Users (i.e., Interviewers) for Internal Interviews and Send Out Schedules.

Additional Features

Additional features to help manage your interview process and their corresponding links are as follows: