Configure USAM Contact Popover Related Lists

You can configure what shows up on your popover.

For more information on the popover, see Configure USAM Contact Popover.

There is a platform limitation for the current implementation. These limitations mean you can not add more than 20 Related Lists.

Icons on Related Lists

Object icons shown in the popover are based on Object Tab's icons.

The default icon ("standard:default" SLDS icon) will be shown in the following circumstances:

  • If there is no Object tab.
  • If Object Tab contains a non-SLDS icon.

For a list of supported icons, see

Supported and Unsupported Fields/Objects for Related Lists

Supported Fields/Objects

Supported Objects

Below is a list of supported Objects in the Related Lists section of the popover:

Supported Case Fields

  • CaseNumber
  • BusinessHoursId
  • Origin
  • Reason
  • IsClosed
  • IsClosedOnCreate
  • ClosedDate
  • CreatedDate
  • IsEscalated
  • OwnerId
  • ParentId
  • Priority
  • Status
  • Subject
  • Type
  • SuppliedCompany
  • SuppliedEmail
  • SuppliedName
  • Name
  • CreatedById
  • LastModifiedById
  • CreatedDate
  • LastModifiedDate

Supported Opportunity Fields

  • Name
  • Amount
  • CloseDate
  • IsClosed
  • CreatedDate
  • ExpectedRevenue
  • Fiscal
  • FiscalQuarter
  • FiscalYear
  • CreatedById
  • LastModifiedById
  • CreatedDate
  • LastModifiedDate
  • ForecastCategory
  • LastActivityDate
  • LeadSource
  • NextStep
  • Probability
  • TotalOpportunityQuantity
  • StageName
  • Type
  • IsWon

Supported Account Fields

  • Name
  • BillingAddress
  • ShippingAddress
  • Phone
  • AccountNumber
  • Site
  • AccountSource
  • Type, CleanStatus
  • CreatedDate
  • NumberOfEmployees
  • Fax
  • Industry
  • LastActivityDate
  • Ownership
  • ParentId
  • Rating
  • Sic
  • AssetId
  • TickerSymbol
  • Tradestyle
  • Type
  • Website
  • YearStarted

Supported Content Version Fields

  • Title
  • CreatedDate
  • LastModifiedDate
  • FileExtension
  • ContentSize
  • OwnerId

Unsupported Fields/Objects

Unsupported Objects

Below is a list of unsupported Objects in the Related Lists Section of the popover:

  • Notes & Attachments
  • Open Activities
  • Activity History
  • Files
  • Other standard object-related lists are not listed in Object Manager and do not have direct relations to the Contact object (eg Attachment has Parent Id which is generic for many object types).

Parent relation fields are not supported for any type of object except Name or Id fields.

Unsupported Standard Fields

Last Modified by Alias is the only unsupported field.