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What does the Keywords field search?

By default, the Keyword field search looks for your entered terms in a different fields, which vary depending on what entity you are searching.

Advanced Search

In the Advanced Search view, roll your mouse over the magnifying glass icon to see a list of fields you're searching.

As an example, the Candidate Search keywords field searches the following fields:

  • ID, Name, Company, Type, Current Title, Resume, and File Attachments.

Basic Search

When you use the basic keyword search, you must hit tab after typing in a word for it to register and be searchable.

On the Basic Search view, you can choose to only search the Description field. Even if you switch back to Advanced, where you don't see this check box, your setting still applies:

Viewing Results

If the terms you searched for appear in the resume, they will be highlighted when you view it via the preview slideout for each record.

Note Searching

Keywords field doesn't search notes. However, if a keyword appears in a note that's in your search results, it will be highlighted. The keyword must also appear in one of the search fields.

Instead, use the Additional Criteria fields to search notes. These fields include the following:

  • Last Note: Date range of most recent note
    • Example: All candidates who had a note added to their records last week
  • Note Author: The person who added the note
  • Note Comments: The contents of the note
  • Note Date Added: The specific date a note was added
    • Example: All candidates with a note that was added on October 5
  • Note Action: The type of note. Pulls the values from the commentActionList system setting
    • Example: Prescreen, Outbound Call, etc.
  • Notes: Search for candidates with notes or without note