Tempo New Employee


Tempo's New Employee feature allows new employees to record punches. A new employee is one that has not loaded to the clock yet with name and PIN.

  • Contact Bullhorn Time & Expense Support for assistance with configuring this option as it may not be enabled.

Before You Begin

  • New employees may enter a PIN and initials to track time until their records are created and loaded to the clock from Bullhorn Time & Expense.
  • Punches recorded for new employees are called "pending punches".
    • These may be reviewed in the Pending Punch Report in the Time Management Console.
    • If you choose to disable this feature, time can only be recorded for employees with records that have been loaded fromBullhorn Time & Expense.


  1. To start the process, touch New Employee.
  2. Enter the employee's initials.
    • These initials will be saved to help identify the employee on the clock.
  3. Touch the screen to enter the first letter of a new employee's first and last name.
  4. Tempo will prompt new employees to enter a mobile phone number and an email address.
    • These details are captured and used only to provide employees with a summary of time worked for a period.
  5. Touch YES to enter a mobile phone number or touch NO to skip.
  6. Touch YES to enter an email address or touch NO to skip.
  7. The new employee is prompted to record an IN or OUT punch.