Filter Employee List


You may use the Filter feature to change which employees are seen on the Employee List.

This feature is useful if you want to quickly search for employees with specific time card conditions at an individual site. You can set the filter to display employees based on the number of hours worked, missing punches, and more.

This feature currently works in the Clock Employee List as shown below. Filters is not available if your configuration includes various tabs for Overview, Unapproved Time, Approved Time, or more.

Access the Employee List

To get started, first select a group and then select a site to view. Next, you will see the Employee List for your site. This list includes employee names and gives a breakdown of hours worked, rate info, and OT/ DT details.

When you see Filters, click it to open the filter options.

Depending on your configuration, your view may default to the Employee List.

Apply Filter Options

After you click Filters, you will be able to configure your view based on a number of details. To select a filter option, just click to fill in the box on the left of the desired filter option.

You may choose one or more of the following:

  • Missing Punches: If this option is selected, you will only see employees with Fix Punches on their time cards.
  • Only Employees with unapproved time: If selected, you will only see those employees with unapproved worked time.
  • Only Present Employees: This view shows only employees that are currently working. This filter is available only in the current week and is not available in earlier weeks.
  • Has Hours: Check this option and fill in the number of hours on the right to limit your view based on hours worked. If you leave the option at 0 hours, you will see all employees that have worked more than 0 hours.
  • Has OT or DT: If you want to view only those employees with Overtime or Double Time, choose one or both of these options. You may specify a number of hours for this filter option on the right or you may leave it at 0 hours.

When you're done setting your filter options, click Apply to see the Employee List with the filtering options you selected.

Review Filtered List

The Employee List will then display only employees that have time cards that match the criteria you defined with the filter options. If you don't see any employees in the list after using a filter option, this indicates that no time cards matched your filtering criteria.

If you are viewing a list with filtering enabled, you will see that Filters is listed in orange on your screen.

  • To adjust filtering options, click Filters to add, remove, or modify your filters.
  • To remove filtering options, click Filters, deselect all options, and then click Apply to return to the default list.