New Transaction


The New Transaction feature is used to add hours, add punches, subtract hours. remove breaks, and add dollar adjustments to individual time cards in Bullhorn Time & Expense.

New Transaction Options

  1. Click on an associate’s name from the employee list screen of the Time Management Console to go to a time card.

  2. To edit time for an associate from the time card screen, click New Transaction.

Add Hours

  1. From the New Transaction screen, select Add Hours.
  2. Select the day from the Date drop-down.
  3. Select the appropriate assignment from the Assignment drop-down.
  4. Select WORKED from the Pay Code menu.
  5. Enter the amount of hours. The hour amounts must be entered in decimal format.
    • Example: An hour and a half is 1.50. Click More Examples to view the conversions.
  6. Add any necessary comments.
    • This is recommended for audit purposes.
  7. Click Submit to finish.

If entering multiple days, use Add Row to End to add a row for each day first, then follow steps 3-7 above to quickly enter hours for the week versus submitting one day at a time.

The added time is represented as an adjustment on the time card. Your initials will show as the source (Src) of the change.

Add Breaks

  1. If an associate forgot to subtract their meal break from their total daily hours, select Add Hours.
  2. Select the day from the Date drop-down.
  3. Select the appropriate assignment from the Assignment drop-down.
  4. Select BREAK from the Pay Code menu.
  5. Enter a negative amount of time to be deducted in decimal format.
    • Example: Entering -0.50 is subtracting 30 minutes for the break.
  6. Add any necessary comments.
    • This is recommended for audit purposes.
  7. Click Submit to finish.

The break is represented as an adjustment on the time card. Your initials will show as the source (Src) of the change.

Changes to the time card are also noted on the Employee Overview screen via the comments icon. Click the icon to view the changes and the date/time of the changes.

Subtract Hours

  1. Select Add Hours from the New Transaction screen.
  2. Select the day from the Date drop-down.
  3. Select the appropriate assignment from the Assignment drop-down.
  4. Select WORKED from the Pay Code menu.
  5. Enter a negative amount of time to be deducted in decimal format.
    • Example: Entering -1.00 deducts 1 hour from worked time.
  6. Add any necessary comments.
    • This is recommended for audit purposes.
  7. Click to submit the entry.

The deducted time is represented as an adjustment on the time card. Your initials will show as the source (Src) of the change.

Add In-Outs or Worked Segments

  1. Select Add Punches.
  2. Select the day from the Date drop-down.
  3. Enter the IN time and the OUT time for the day and/or meal break in military format.
  4. Select the appropriate assignment from the Assignment drop-down.
  5. To add another IN/OUT, select Add Row to End.
  6. Add any necessary comments.
    • This is recommended for audit purposes.
  7. Click Submit to complete the transaction.

If entering multiple days, use Add Row to End to add a row for each day, then follow the steps above to quickly enter hours for the week versus submitting one day at a time.

  • Enter two rows for the same day when you need to record two work segments (e.g. In time for the day to out time for lunch).

The added day and time is represented as an adjustment on the time card. Your initials will show as the source (Src) of the change.

Add Dollars

  1. To add dollar adjustments, select Add Dollars.
  2. Select the appropriate assignment from the Site:Dept drop-down.
  3. Select the day from the Date drop-down.
  4. Select Dollars Type from the Pay Code menu.
  5. Enter the amount of the adjustment.
  6. Enter any optional comments to the comment field.
  7. Click Submit to finish.