Flag an Incident
You can flag employee time cards with incidents if the time card has absences, late clock ins, early clock outs, or other incident types.
- From the Employee List, open a time card by selecting the employee's name.
- Click Incidents in the lower left of the time card to flag or review an attendance event.
- In the Add New Incident section, complete the details for the incident you are reporting:
- Date: The date and time of the specific incident you want to flag on the time card.
- Open the Date menu to select a date in that week.
- Time is optional, but recommended for precise auditing.
- To add a time to the date, fill in the check box to the right of the Date drop-down.
- Site:Dept: The employee's primary site and department are the default selections for this option.
- Change them if the incident involved a separate clock site or department.
- You can also set the shift number for the incident on the right.
- Change them if the incident involved a separate clock site or department.
- Incident: This is where you must select the incident type from the drop-down menu.
- You can also click Setup Incident Types to configure the available incident types.
- Comment: You may enter the reason for the incident or add any additional details for the event.
- Date: The date and time of the specific incident you want to flag on the time card.
- Review your details and select Save when you're done.
- Your incident then moves to the lower part of the screen and is saved for reporting and future review.
Reviewing Incident Details
There are several options you may choose to review the incidents in more detail.
- Open Tracking Screen: Click this to review incident details and approve or authorize as a true incident.
- Search: Enter keywords to search the employee's time card history for past incidents.
- You can refine your search by using the FROM and TO fields to choose a date range.
- Export
: Click this icon to export available incident details to an Excel spreadsheet.
- View History: Select to see the a history of incident details.
- Edit: Select to edit an existing incident.
- For auditing purposes, any edits made will be tracked.
- Delete: Choose this option if an incident should be canceled or removed.
Once you are done with reviewing incident details, click Close to exit and return to
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