Bullhorn Reporting (Previously Canvas) Toolbars Quick Reference Guide

This article outlines Bullhorn Reporting toolbar icons and their functions.


Upper Ribbon

This menu set is always at the top of the page, regardless of how you navigate within the Canvas studio.

Icon Name Function
Save Saves the report. Reports do not auto-save.

Undo or Redo the last action.

Run Report Select a format (HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV or XML) and run the report.

Main Toolbar

This toolbar set gives you access to many of the changes you can make to your Canvas report. The tool bar options change depending on what you have selected on your report.

Icon Name Function
Undock/dock Toolbar Allows you to dock your toolbar at the top of your screen, or undock your toolbar to move it to a different location on your page.
Cut Cut the selected item. Cutting removes the item from view, but not from the report.
Copy Copy the selected item.
Delete Delete the selected item. Deleting removes the item from the view and from the report.
Apply Style Apply the copied style to the selected object.
Pickup Style Dropdown Copy the style of a selection to apply the style to a selected object. The dropdown provides additional options. Found next to the Apply style icon.
Font Clicking the Font button will open a pop up window where you can choose font family, size, weight, style and effects.
Border Selecting Border will open a pop up window where you can choose style, width, color and other border properties.
Background Color Choose the background color for the selected cells.
Horizontal Alignment Choose how to horizontally align the content of the cell: Default, Left, Center, Right, Justify.
Vertical Alignment Choose how to vertically align the content of the cell: Default, Top, Middle, Bottom.
Style Choosing the style dropdown opens the Style window. Here you can change the look of your report and save the settings as a new style to use again later.
Apply Layout Choose a pre-defined layout for your report from a dropdown menu.
Insert Table Insert a table and define the number of rows and columns.
Select Ancestor Choose to select a previously selected part of your report.
Run Page Run the current page of your report. You can select the report output as HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV or XML.
Filters Create a custom filter, edit an existing filter, or create advanced filters.
Sort Sorts selected data. Choose from Ascending, Descending, Don't sort, or Edit layout sorting...
Summarize Offers multiple options for summarizing data. Summarizes the column.
Insert Calculation Offers multiple options for calculating selected data. Calculates arithmetic as well as numeric, string, etc. Calculates across the row.
Suppress Suppresses empty cells.
Group/Ungroup Group or ungroup selected data in a list. Best practice is to group columns from left to right.
Section/Unsection Creates sections to show data items as the heading of a section. This is similar to grouping except that section headers appear outside the list, crosstab, chart, or repeater.
Data Format Change the data format of the selected object.
More Additional options to modify your report.

Insertable Objects Panel

The Insertable Objects panel is located on the left side of the Canvas studio.

Icon Name Function
Sources Displays an overview of all objects in the report.
Data Items Navigate between queries and access query details.
Toolbox Features all the items you can add to your report. For example text, visualizations, etc.