Creating a Map Report

In Bullhorn Reporting (previous Canvas), maps can be used to quickly identify the locations of your business partners. You can make a map with hotspots showing the locations of the majority of the businesses that provide your job orders.


  1. Click More > Modify Report.
  2. Click Toolbox > Data Container.
  3. Drag Map Manager Map onto a blank spot your report.
  4. In theChoose map panel that pops up, select your Map > select your Point layers > and click OK. For Example, United States (Continental 48) and Major Cities, respectively.
  5. To view the cities where the companies are located, on your map, under Point layer, click Location.
  6. Under the Sources tab > Company Analysis > Company and then double-click City.
  7. On your map, under Point layer, click Color.
  8. Click on the Sources tab > Company Analysis > Company and then double-click CompanyCount.
  9. To see Active companies only, under the Sources tab > Company Analysis > Company and then right-click Status > and select Filter for report...
  10. In the Filter condition - Status panel that pops up, find the Available items column. Click all items that you consider to be active. As chosen, these will appear in the Selected items column. Click OK when you've selected all applicable items.
  11. Click once on your map. Under the Properties pane, scroll down to Data. Click on Ignore data with no features. Click the drop-down and select Yes.
    • ​​This will prevent any errors if the data in the City field does not match the initial Map location. For example, if a company is based in Sydney, which is located in Australia rather than our initial choice of the United States back in Step 2.
  12. If you’d like to increase the size of the map on the report, scroll down further down on the Source tab to Positioning. Click Size & overflow > the ellipses.
  13. In the Size & overflow pane, enter the Width and Height you’d like your map to be. Click OK.
  14. If you’d like to make the spots on the map larger, based on the number of jobs in a location, on your map click Size.
  15. Under the Sources tab > Company Job Analysis > Job and then double-click Job Count.
  16. Now, you can go back to the main screen and RUN the report.

If you get an error that looks similar to the below, be sure you the followed ignore data with no features step and try again.