Company Ownership of Records

This feature is exclusive to Bullhorn Novo. To enable this feature, please contact Bullhorn Support.


This article explains how the optional Company Ownership feature works.

By default, Company ownership is determined by who owns the associated Contacts on the Company record. Users can assign ownership directly to Company records through the optional Company Ownership feature.

If you do not have Company Ownership enabled, and a Company is created without a Contact, then a Contact is automatically created and Archived. The user who added the Company is set as the owner of the Contact, which makes them the owner of the Company record.

Company Ownership Fields

These fields are used with the Company Ownership feature:


  • Owner: Used to set an owner(s) on the Company.
  • Department Owners: Used to set a Department(s) as an owner of the Company.


  • Department Owners: Used to set a Department as an owner on the Contact.

Department Ownership is determined by the Department Owner (departmentOwnerID) field, and not the department's of the user populated in the Owner (userID) field.