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Marking Records as Private

Marking Records as Private

  1. From the record Overview, select theActionsdrop down.
    • S-Release: From theEditscreen, change theStatusfield toPrivate.
  2. Choose Mark as Private.
    • If you do not see this value listed in the Status drop-down, you may not have permission to have private records. For more information, contact your Administrator.

Note: Regardless of user permissions, once a Contact record is marked as private, only the owner of the record is able to view it.

Marking Records as Public

  1. From the record Overview, select theActionsdrop down.
    • S-Release: From the list view, use theSelectedbutton and chooseChange Status.
  2. ChooseMark as Public.
  3. Select the appropriateStatus.

Identifying Private Records

If you see the following indicator on a record, it is marked as private.