Forwarding Jobs

You can use the Forward Job feature to quickly send information about a job via email to any candidate or contact in your database.

Forward Job from Job Record

  1. On the job record, from the Actions drop-down, select Forward Job.

  2. Select all the fields you want to include in the email.

  3. Click Compose Email.

  4. The Compose a Message screen will open.

  5. Enter any candidates or contacts you want to send the job information to in the To field.

  6. Complete the message and click Send.

Forward Job from Submission Tab

  1. On the Submission tab of the job record, select the candidates you want to forward the job information to.

  2. Click the Selected drop-down and select Forward Job.

  3. Select all the fields you want to include in the email.

  4. Click Compose Email.

  5. The Compose a Message screen will open.

  6. Complete the message and click Send.