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Troubleshooting Missing Activity

What to do when you suspect activity is missing from the Activity Tab.

The Activity Tab is used to keep track of all the activity related to a record but you may notice information missing depending on your settings.

Check the Record

If you can see the related activity or record on a list view ensure the Reference field is filled out for the corresponding field.

  • Example: If you are looking at a Submission that you know should appear on a Company record you should verify the Submission is attached to the correct Job and the Contact listed on the Job is associated with that Company.

Check the Owner Drop Down

The Owner drop down on the Activity Tab is a sticky field which means once you make a selection that selection "sticks" until you change it again. You should ensure the Owner drop down is set to All - [Company Name] or to the corresponding department/individual that owns the activity.

Note: Depending on your Bullhorn configuration, you may not have access to the Owner drop down or you may not have access to see All Activity. If that is the case, you should contact your Bullhorn Admin to see if the activity belongs to a department you do not have access to view.

An Important Note About Appointments and Interviews

Interviews and Appointments for Interviews are tracked separately so you should make sure you have followed the expected process when scheduling an interview.

Most missing interviews or appointments are due to missing reference fields so you want to make sure you fill out all applicable fields.

  • Interviews: An interview requires you to use the "schedule an interview" menu option in order to appear in this section. The interview should have the contact, candidate, and job reference fields filled out. Filling out the reference fields will NOT send the contact/candidate an email about the appointment.
  • Related Appointments: An interview should have both an interview scheduled AND an appointment with the type of "interview" or a similar iteration in order to track fully on the record. Again, all reference fields should be filled out.
  • For step by step directions, check out Scheduling an Interview Between a Candidate and a Contact